Avon Campaign 2 Book

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The Avon current campaign book 2 is the first Avon book for the new year 2015. Take a look at the new year beauty and fashion bargains. Get moving with Curves in 2015! Let Avon and Curves kick start your exercise workout. Start you New Year’s resolution with a  Curves free pass for 2 weeks for you and a friend. Get this Curves free trial when you purchase $25 of Curves workout clothing from the Avon books online – Campaign 2 only. If you are looking for one of the best free exercise programs for women, Curves is it. The Avon campaign 2 book is about taking care of You. The holidays are just about over, but there’s one more person you need to care of….You. Take advantage of all the great deals in beauty, fashion, fragrance and make Me Time important.

Curves Workout Clothing

Avon Books Online - Campaign 2

Curves Free Trial

Avon books online - campaign 2

Avon Curves Shoes

Avon Books online - campaign 2

Curves Waist Trimmer

Avon Books Online - Campaign 2

You can view all Avon books online for the Avon Campaign 2 book at http://mbertsch.avonrepresentative.com.  I would love to become your online Avon representative. Stay informed of the current sales, promotions, coupon codes and products. Email Mary any questions you have about the products or ordering online. View the latest Avon book at my online Avon store.

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  1. Lois Talbot

    Want to see all Avon Curves apparel

    1. Mary Bertsch, Avon Rep

      Sorry, Lois, Avon isn’t partnering with Curves anymore. You can view our current Avon fashions.

      Thanks for shopping Avon products.

      Your Avon Representative, Mary Bertsch

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