Current Avon Brochure
Best Price for an Avon Product
How to find the best Avon price for an Avon product?
Looking for the latest Avon brochure sales? Did you know you can order from three different Avon campaigns at one time? You can back order from the two previous Avon campaigns by shopping Avon Brochure online. Follow these steps to get the best Avon price available from the current Avon Catalog.
- Click “Shop Now” to find the Avon products you want.
- Write down the Avon product number.
- Click “Quick Item Entry” or “Shop by Product Number”.
- Use the down arrow to enter the product number for all 3 campaigns available.
- Add the Avon product to your shopping bag for each Avon campaign.
- Compare the prices offered in each Avon campaign.
- Delete the two highest priced product from your shopping cart.
- Congratulations! You have just found the lowest Avon price for that Avon product.
- Proceed to Checkout and pay with your credit/debit card.
I stumbled you back 🙂 thanks for the tips!
Thanks for stumbling my post at Library Girl Reads & Reviews. I've Stumbled you back 🙂