Avon Reference Code 2018
Find an Avon Reference Code
Have you been thinking about selling Avon? Don’t have time to meet with someone to join Avon? Avon has simplified the Avon appointment process for perspective Avon representatives. You can now become an Avon Representative online.
When you go to the Avon online signup website, you will be required to fill out your personal information. The process is very simple and fast. But wait! What is the first question? Enter a Reference Code? Where do I find an Avon Reference Code? All you have to do is use my Avon representative reference code MBERTSCH. I would be honored to have you in my Avon downline.
More Personal Information
Avon Independent Sales Representative Contract Terms and Conditions
After you fill out this short contract, click the box that affirms you have read and agree to the Avon Independent Sales Representative Contract Terms and Conditions.
The Avon appointment fee is only $25 which can be paid with a credit card. The established credit is optional but I would recommend you fill this out also.
Click Review and Submit! Congratulations! You are now an Avon Representative and starting your new business. How much you make will depend on your enthusiasm, energy, and determination. Really, the sky is the limit with Avon!
Find an Avon Reference Code 2018
On the online contract you will have to put in a reference code before you can complete the process. If you want to find an Avon reference code for 2018, use code MBERTSCH to join my unit of Avon reps that are from across the USA.