Start Selling Avon for Free

Start Selling Avon for Free

How Much Does it Cost to Start Selling Avon?

This is a common question I get asked from people interested to sign up to sell Avon. Avon has never offered a refund on the appointment fee since I started selling Avon in 2008. This is a very rare offer that Avon is offering that last only 15 days so you must act quickly. You can start selling Avon for free when you join between April 1 and April 15. Avon will refund your $15 appointment fee if you place your first order on or before May 5, 2015 at 11:59 PM your local time. This is a very awesome opportunity for anyone interested in starting their own business

What are the Terms to Start Selling Avon for Free?

This offer is valid only for anyone who has not had an Avon account in more than 26 weeks. A reinstated Avon representative is not considered a new rep for this offer.

For qualified representatives who place their first order by May 5, 2015 and pay for their order on time, Avon will give a credit on their account within 2 weeks after their order has shipped. New representatives who reside in Hawaii, Guam or Saipan must place their order on or before 11:59 Pacific time on May 5th.

Start Online Business for Free

I started selling Avon in 2008 because I had always wanted to have my own business. Usually it costs alot of money to start a business. There are costs of a building, supplies, inventory, employees and the list goes on an on. I was so happy to find the Avon opportunity. I thought paying the $10 startup fee was very minimal. With Avon you can sell two ways; face-to-face and online. If you like online marketing, promote the Avon products on a beauty blog and social media. This is a great time to start an online business for free.

If you are thinking, “I want to sell Avon” or ” I want to sign up to sell Avon“, act now before April 15. You don’t even have to meet anyone to become an Avon rep. You can join Avon online with reference code mbertsch. It will only take a few minutes to start selling Avon for free. For more details on selling Avon view my opportunity page

Avon Reference Code

When you have reviewed the unlimited opportunities you will have by selling Avon, you will need an Avon Reference Code. By joining my team you will get personal support from me and great training videos from Avon. I am an experienced Avon representative who is successful at selling Avon online. Use my Avon Reference Code mbertsch at my startup page Within a few minutes you will be on your way to earning money selling quality beauty products. The sky is the limit to how much you can earn with Avon. Why not start selling Avon for free today?

Start Selling Avon for Free

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