Why I Joined Avon……. 

It was over 5 years ago that I received an Avon catalog on my door with an Avon opportunity flyer attached. I wasn’t working at the time due to osteoarthritis in my hands. With nothing to lose but $10, I thought I would give Avon a try. At least I could get a discount for the makeup and beauty products my teenage daughter and I were buying. Why not join Avon?

I worked hard at building my customer base. I handed Avon catalogs to everyone I saw. I got their contact information and followed up with them. I sent out Avon emails to my customers on a regular basis. My Avon orders started to increase. I fell in love with helping women find the perfect Avon product for them at an affordable price.

My next venture was to market Avon online. Thanks to many resources and helpful online friends, I succeeded in building an Avon online business. While a tragic automobile accident in 2011 took me to the side of my daughter for 4 months, my Avon online sales aided our financial needs. 

Today I enjoy a successful Avon sales business reaching McConnell Club for the first time in 2013. I am also a Unit Leader with 36 Avon representatives in my 1st generation downline. My one unit leader under me has a team of 50 Avon representatives. Helping my downline reach their goals is a passion for me.

After the stressful time helping my daughter through therapies as she learned to eat, talk,

Why I Joined Avon

sit, stand, walk, and live, God blessed her with a healthy baby girl. Yes, she was 14-weeks pregnant at the time of the car crash that took her young husband of 8 months to glory. She continues to raise her 16-month old daughter as God’s plan is perfect for her life. Avon helped us by awarding me a 4-day trip for four to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, in February 2013. What a fun relaxing time our family had! Thanks, Avon!

I have won other trips through Avon. I enjoyed a 3-day trip to New York City in 2012. A wonderful time was enjoyed by many touring this beautiful city. The night dinner cruise by the Statue of Liberty was the highlight. Due to my duties with my family I also had to turn down other trips I won; Alaskan cruise and the recent Las Vegas trip. I’m looking forward to winning many more trips through my Avon business. Will I win the Hawaii trip this summer?

This could be your story too. All Avon representatives start at the same place. The ones that succeed work hard, don’t give up, give great customer service, and love their business and customers. Would you like to join Avon?  Contact me by commenting on this blog post or join online to join my Avon team. I have Avon representatives all over the USA. Join Avon online here and use reference code mbertsch to be on my team. 

sell Avon

I look forward to meeting and helping you begin your Avon career. Some day you too will write a blog post, Why I Joined Avon. The sky is the limit with Avon!

Mary Bertsch
Independent Avon Sales Representative
Unit Leader
Start Your Own Avon Business for ONLY $10 CLICK HERE! Code mbertsch 


  1. Avon Beauty with Mary

    Thanks, Nan! I just added my link at your Friday Blog Hop.

  2. Anonymous

    HAPPY Friday.
    Visit from Blog Hop.
    would be nice if you can link up at my blog.
    Have a nice day.

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